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1.4.3 / 0.20.3 (libraries)#


  • [dagster-dbt] When invokingdagster-dbt project scaffold on a dbt project directory, if a profiles.yml exists in the root of the directory, its contents are used to add dbt adapter packages to the scaffolded
  • The default sentinel value for the multiprocessing executor’s max_concurrent field has been changed from 0 to None to more clearly signal its intent. A value of 0 is still interpreted as the sentinel value which dynamically allocates max_concurrent based on detected CPU count.


  • IO managers defined on jobs will now be properly merged with resources defined in Definitions, so that jobs are able to override the IO manager used.
  • [dagster-fivetran] Fixed an issue where EnvVars in a FivetranResource would not be evaluated when loading assets from the Fivetran instance.
  • [dagster-airbyte] Fixed an issue where EnvVars in an AirbyteResource would not be evaluated when loading assets from the Airbyte resource.


  • [dagster-dbt] Added API docs for DbtCliResource, DbtCliInvocation, @dbt_assets, DagsterDbtTranslator, dagster-dbt project scaffold
  • [dagster-dbt] Expanded references for new APIs:
    • Added documentation to customize asset definition attributes for dbt assets
    • Added documentation to define upstream and downstream dependencies to dbt assets
    • Added documentation to define schedules for dbt assets

Dagster Cloud#

  • The experimental agent config setting agent_replicashas been deprecated in favor of a new name isolated_agents (agentReplicas --> isolatedAgents in the helm chart). Upgrading to the new name requires all code locations to be on 1.4.3 or greater.

1.4.2 / 0.20.2 (libraries)#


  • Fixes a bug in dagster-dbt that was preventing it from correctly materializing subselections of dbt asset.

1.4.1 / 0.20.1 (libraries)#


  • Fixes a bug in dagster-dbt that was preventing it efficiently loading dbt projects from a manifest.

1.4.0 / 0.20.0 (libraries) "Material Girl"#

Major Changes since 1.3.0 (core) / 0.19.0 (libraries)#


  • Auto-materialize history – We’ve added a UI that tracks why assets were or were not materialized according to theirAutoMaterializePolicy. It’s located under Assets → Select an asset with an AutoMaterializePolicyAuto-materialize history tab.
  • Auto-materialize performance – We’ve made significant performance improvements to the Asset Daemon, allowing it to keep up with asset graphs containing thousands of assets and assets with a large history of previously-materialized partitions.
  • Asset backfill cancellation — Asset backfills can now be canceled, bring them to parity with job backfills. When an asset backfill is requested for cancellation, the daemon cancels runs until all runs are terminated, then marks the backfill as “canceled”.
  • non_argument_deps → deps – We’ve deprecated the non_argument_deps parameter of @asset and @multi_asset in favor of a new deps parameter. The new parameter makes it clear that this is a first-class way of defining dependencies, makes code more concise, and accepts AssetsDefinition and SourceAsset objects, in addition to the strs and AssetKeys that the previous parameter accepted.
  • Group-level asset status UI – the new Assets Overview dashboard, located underneath the Activity tab of the Overview page, shows the status all the assets in your deployment, rolled up by group.
  • Op concurrency (experimental) — We’ve added a feature that allows limiting the number of concurrently executing ops across runs. [docs]
  • DynamicPartitionsDefinition and SensorResult are no longer marked experimental.
  • Automatically observe source assets, without defining jobs (experimental – The @observable_source_asset decorator now accepts an auto_observe_interval_minutes parameter. If the asset daemon is turned on, then the observation function will automatically be run at this interval. Downstream assets with eager auto-materialize policies will automatically run if the observation function indicates that the source asset has changed. [docs]
  • Dagit → Dagster UI – To reduce the number of Dagster-specific terms that new users need to learn when learning Dagster, “Dagit” has been renamed to the “The Dagster UI”. The dagit package is deprecated in favor of the dagster-webserver package.
  • Default config in the Launchpad - When you open the launchpad to kick off a job or asset materialization, Dagster will now automatically populate the default values for each field.


  • The new @dbt_assets decorator allows much more control over how Dagster runs your dbt project. [docs]
  • The new dagster-dbt project scaffold command line interface makes it easy to create files and directories for a Dagster project that wraps an existing dbt project.
  • Improved APIs for defining asset dependencies – The new get_asset_key_for_model and get_asset_key_for_source utilities make it easy to specify dependencies between upstream dbt assets and downstream non-dbt assets. And you can now more easily specify dependencies between dbt models and upstream non-dbt assets by specifying Dagster asset keys in the dbt metadata for dbt sources.

Since 1.3.14 (core) / 0.19.14 (libraries)#


  • The published Dagster Docker images now use Python 3.10, instead of 3.7.
  • We’ve deprecated the non_argument_deps parameter of @asset and @multi_asset in favor of a new deps parameter. The new parameter makes it clear that this is a first-class way of defining dependencies, makes code more concise, and accepts AssetsDefinition and SourceAsset objects, in addition to the strs and AssetKeys that the previous parameter accepted.
  • The UPathIOManager can now be extended to load multiple partitions asynchronously (Thanks Daniel Gafni!).
  • By default, Dagster will now automatically load default config values into the launchpad. This behavior can be disabled in the user settings page.
  • [dagster-k8s] The Helm chart now sets readiness probes on user code deployment servers by default. These can be disabled with dagster-user-deployments.deployments.[...].readinessProbe.enabled=false.
  • [dagster-airbyte] In line with the deprecation of non_argument_deps in favor of deps, build_airbyte_assets now accepts a deps parameter.
  • [dagstermill] In line with the deprecation of non_argument_deps in favor of deps, define_dagstermill_asset now accepts a deps parameter.
  • [dagster-dbt] A new CLI utility dagster-dbt project scaffold has been provided to scaffold a Dagster code location for an existing dbt project.


  • Duplicate partition keys passed to StaticPartitionsDefinition will now raise an error.
  • Fixed a bug that caused lazy AutoMaterializePolicy's to not materialize missing assets.
  • [ui] Fixed an issue where global search and large DAGs were broken when using --path-prefix.
  • Schedule and sensor run submissions are now kept up to date with the current workspace, fixing an issue where a stale reference to a server would be used in some conditions.
  • [dagster-dbt] Fixed an issue where materializing dbt models with the same name as a dbt source would cause an error.

Breaking Changes#

  • Support for Python 3.7 has been dropped.
  • build_asset_reconciliation_sensor (Experimental) has been removed. It was deprecated in 1.3 in favor of AutoMaterializePolicy.
  • asset_key(s) properties on AssetIn and AssetDefinition have been removed in favor of key(s). These APIs were deprecated in 1.0.
  • root_input_manager and RootInputManagerDefinition have been removed in favor of input_manager and InputManagerDefinition. These APIs were deprecated in 1.0.
  • [dagster-pandas] The event_metadata_fn parameter on create_dagster_pandas_dataframe_type has been removed in favor of metadata_fn.
  • [dagster-dbt] The library has been substantially revamped to support the new @dbt_assets and DbtCliResource. See the migration guide for details.
    • Group names for dbt assets are now taken from a dbt model's group. Before, group names were determined using the model's subdirectory path.
    • Support for dbt-rpc has been removed.
    • The class alias DbtCloudResourceV2 has been removed.
    • DbtCli has been renamed to DbtCliResource. Previously, DbtCliResource was a class alias for DbtCliClientResource.
    • load_assets_from_dbt_project and load_assets_from_dbt_manifest now default to use_build=True.
    • The default assignment of groups to dbt models loaded from load_assets_from_dbt_project and load_assets_from_dbt_manifest has changed. Rather than assigning a group name using the model’s subdirectory, a group name will be assigned using the dbt model’s dbt group.
    • The argument node_info_to_definition_metadata_fn for load_assets_from_dbt_project and load_assets_from_dbt_manifest now overrides metadata instead of adding to it.
    • The arguments for load_assets_from_dbt_project and load_assets_from_dbt_manifest now must be specified using keyword arguments.
    • When using the new DbtCliResource with load_assets_from_dbt_project and load_assets_from_dbt_manifest, stdout logs from the dbt process will now appear in the compute logs instead of the event logs.


  • The dagit python package is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0 in favor of dagster-webserver. See the migration guide for details.
  • The following fields containing “dagit” in the Dagster helm chart schema have been deprecated in favor of “dagsterWebserver” equivalents (see migration guide for details):
    • dagitdagsterWebserver
    • ingress.dagitingress.dagsterWebserver
    • ingress.readOnlyDagitingress.readOnlyDagsterWebserver
  • [Dagster Cloud ECS Agent] We've introduced performance improvements that rely on the AWS Resource Groups Tagging API. To enable, grant your agent's IAM policy permission to tag:GetResources. Without this policy, the ECS Agent will log a deprecation warning and fall back to its old behavior (listing all ECS services in the cluster and then listing each service's tags).
  • DbtCliClientResource, dbt_cli_resource and DbtCliOutput are now being deprecated in favor of DbtCliResource.
  • A number of arguments on load_assets_from_dbt_project and load_assets_from_dbt_manifest are now deprecated in favor of other options. See the migration for details.

Community Contributions#

  • Docs typo fix from @chodera, thank you!
  • Run request docstring fix from @Jinior, thank you!


  • All public methods in the Dagster API now have docstrings.
  • The entirety of the documentation has been updated to now refer to the “Dagster webserver” or “Dagster UI” where “Dagit” was previously used for both entities.

1.3.14 (core) / 0.19.14 (libraries)#


  • DynamicPartitionsDefinition and SensorResult are no longer marked experimental
  • DagsterInstance now has a get_status_by_partition method, which returns the status of each partition for a given asset. Thanks renzhe-brian!
  • DagsterInstance now has a get_latest_materialization_code_versions method, which returns the code version of the latest materialization for each of the provided (non-partitioned) assets.
  • The error message for when an asset illegally depends on itself is now more informative.
  • Further performance improvements for the Asset Daemon.
  • Performance improvements in the asset graph view for large asset graphs.
  • Pandas 2.x is now supported in all dagster packages.
  • build_asset_context has been added as an asset focused replacement for build_op_context.
  • build_op_context now accepts a partition_key_range parameter.
  • New AssetSelection.upstream_source_assets method allows selecting source assets upstream of the current selection.
  • AssetSelection.key_prefixes and AssetSelection.groups now accept an optional include_sources parameter.
  • The AutoMaterialize evaluations UI now provides more details about partitions and waiting on upstream assets.
  • [dbt] The DbtCli resource is no longer marked experimental.
  • [dbt] The global_config parameter of the DbtCli resource has been renamed to global_config_flags
  • [dbt] load_assets_from_dbt_project and load_assets_from_dbt_manifest now work with the DbtCli resource.
  • [dbt] The manifest argument of the @dbt_assets decorator now additionally can accept a Path argument representing a path to the manifest file or dictionary argument representing the raw manifest blob.
  • [dbt] When invoking DbtCli.cli from inside a @dbt_assets-decorated function, you no longer need to supply the manifest argument as long as you provide the context argument.
  • [dbt] The DbtManifest object can now generate schedules using dbt selection syntax.
  cron_schedule="0 0 * * *",
  • [dbt] When invoking DbtCli.cli and the underlying command fails, an exception will now be raised. To suppress the exception, run the DbtCli.cli(..., raise_on_error=False).
  • [ui] You can now alphabetically sort your partitions on the asset partitions page
  • [ui] A button in the “Run is materializing this asset” and “Run failed to materialize this asset” banners provides direct access to the relevant run logs


  • Fixed a bug that caused asset metadata to not be available available on the OutputContext when using with_attributes or AssetsDefinition.from_graph.
  • Previously, if a partitioned asset at the root of the graph had more missing partitions than its AutoMaterializePolicy’s max_materializations_per_minute parameter, those older partitions would not be properly discarded from consideration on subsequent ticks. This has been fixed.
  • Fixed a bug that caused AutoMaterializePolicy.lazy() to not materialize missing assets that were downstream of assets without an AutoMaterializePolicy.
  • In rare cases, the AssetDaemon could hit an exception when using a combination of freshness policies and observable source assets. This has been fixed.
  • Previously, string type annotations (most commonly via modules containing from __future__ import annotations) would cause errors in most cases when used with Dagster definitions. This has been fixed for the vast majority of cases.
  • AssetExecutionContext has returned to being a type alias for OpExecutionContext.
  • [ui] Date filtering on the runs page now takes your timezone into consideration
  • [ui] Fixed a bug where selecting partitions in the launchpad dialog cleared out your configuration
  • [ui] In the run Gantt chart, executed steps that follow skipped steps no longer render off the far right of the visualization.
  • [ui] Cancelling a running backfill no longer makes canceled partitions un-selectable on the job partitions page and backfill modal, and cancellation is shown in gray instead of red.

Breaking Changes#

  • [experimental] The internal time_window_partition_scope_minutes parameter of the AutoMaterializePolicy class has been removed. Instead, max_materializations_per_minute should be used to limit the number of runs that may be kicked off for a partitioned asset.


  • [dbt] DbtCliResource has been deprecated in favor of DbtCli.
  • The python package dagit has been deprecated in favor of a new package dagster-webserver.
  • OpExecutionContext.asset_partition_key_range has been deprecated in favor of partition_key_range.

Community Contributions#

  • The databricks_pyspark_step_launcher will no longer error when executing steps that target a single partition of a DynamicPartitionsDefinition (thanks @weberdavid!).
  • Increased timeout on readinessProbe for example user code images, which prevents breakages in certain scenarios (thanks @leehuwuj)!
  • Avoid creation of erroneous local directories by GCS IO manager (thanks @peterjclaw)!
  • Fixed typo in intro docs (thanks @adeboyed)!
  • Fix typo in bigquery docs (thanks @nigelainscoe)!
  • Fix typing on run tag validation (thanks @yuvalgimmunai)!
  • Allow passing repositoryCredentials arn as config to ecs run launcher (thanks @armandobelardo)!


  • The @observable_source_asset decorator now accepts an auto_observe_interval_minutes parameter. If the asset daemon is turned on, then the observation function will automatically be run at this interval.
  • [dbt] DbtCliTask has been renamed to DbtCliInvocation
  • [dbt] The get_asset_key_by_output_name and get_node_info_by_output_name methods of DbtManifest have been renamed toget_asset_key_for_output_name and get_node_info_for_output_name, respectively.
  • [ui] A new feature flag allows you to switch Asset DAG rendering to a tighter horizontal layout, which may be preferable in some scenarios


  • Many public methods that were missing in the API docs are now documented. Updated classes include DagsterInstance, *MetadataValue, DagsterType, and others.
  • dagster-pandera now has an API docs page.
  • Deprecated methods in the API docs now are marked with a special badge.