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  • Previously, the EcsRunLauncher tagged each ECS task with its corresponding Dagster Run ID. ECS tagging isn't supported for AWS accounts that have not yet migrated to using the long ARN format. Now, the EcsRunLauncher only adds this tag if your AWS account has the long ARN format enabled.
  • Fixed a bug in the k8s_job_executor and docker_executor that could result in jobs exiting as SUCCESS before all ops have run.
  • Fixed a bug in the k8s_job_executor and docker_executor that could result in jobs failing when an op is skipped.


  • graphene is temporarily pinned to be prior to version 3 to unbreak Dagit dependencies.



  • [dagster-fivetran] A new dagster-fivetran integration allows you to launch Fivetran syncs and monitor their progress from within Dagster. It provides a pre-built fivetran_sync_op, as well as a more flexible fivetran_resource for more customized use cases. Check out the api docs to learn more!
  • When inferring a graph/job/op/solid/pipeline description from the docstring of the decorated function, we now dedent the docstring even if the first line isn’t indented. This allows descriptions to be formatted nicely even when the first line is on the same line as the triple-quotes.
  • The SourceHashVersionStrategy class has been added, which versions op and resource code. It can be provided to a job like so:
from dagster import job, SourceHashVersionStrategy

def my_job():
  • [dagit] Improved performance on the initial page load of the Run page, as well as the partitions UI / launch backfill modal
  • [dagit] Fixed a bug where top-level graphs in the repo could not be viewed in the Workspace > Graph view.


  • Fixed an issue where turning a partitioned schedule off and on again would sometimes result in unexpected past runs being created. (#5604)
  • Fixed an issue where partition sets that didn’t return a new copy of run configuration on each function call would sometimes apply the wrong config to partitions during backfills.
  • Fixed rare issue where using dynamic outputs in combination with optional outputs would cause errors when using certain executors.
  • [dagster-celery-k8s] Fixed bug where CeleryK8s executor would not respect job run config
  • [dagit] Fixed bug where graphs would sometimes appear off-center.

Breaking Changes#

  • In 0.13.0, job CLI commands executed via dagster job selected both pipelines and jobs. This release changes the dagster job command to select only jobs and not pipelines.

Community Contributions#

  • [dagster-dask] Updated DaskClusterTypes to have the correct import paths for certain cluster managers (thanks @kudryk!)
  • [dagster-azure] Updated version requirements for Azure to be more recent and more permissive (thanks @roeap !)
  • [dagster-shell] Ops will now copy the host environment variables at runtime, rather than copying them from the environment that their job is launched from (thanks @alexismanuel !)


  • The job, op, graph migration guide was erroneously marked experimental. This has been fixed.



  • [dagster-k8s] The k8s_job_executor is no longer experimental, and is recommended for production workloads. This executor runs each op in a separate Kubernetes job. We recommend this executor for Dagster jobs that require greater isolation than the multiprocess executor can provide within a single Kubernetes pod. The celery_k8s_job_executor will still be supported, but is recommended only for use cases where Celery is required (The most common example is to offer step concurrency limits using multiple Celery queues). Otherwise, the k8s_job_executor is the best way to get Kubernetes job isolation.
  • [dagster-airflow] Updated dagster-airflow to better support job/op/graph changes by adding a make_dagster_job_from_airflow_dag factory function. Deprecated pipeline_name argument in favor of job_name in all the APIs.
  • Removed a version pin of the chardet library that was required due to an incompatibility with an old version of the aiohttp library, which has since been fixed.
  • We now raise a more informative error if the wrong type is passed to the ins argument of the op decorator.
  • In the Dagit Launchpad, the button for launching a run now says “Launch Run” instead of “Launch Execution”


  • Fixed an issue where job entries from Dagit search navigation were not linking to the correct job pages.
  • Fixed an issue where jobs / pipelines were showing up instead of the underlying graph in the list of repository graph definitions.
  • Fixed a bug with using custom loggers with default config on a job.
  • [dagster-slack] The slack_on_run_failure_sensor now says “Job” instead of “Pipeline” in its default message.

Community Contributions#

  • Fixed a bug that was incorrectly causing a DagsterTypeCheckDidNotPass error when a Dagster Type contained a List inside a Tuple (thanks @jan-eat!)
  • Added information for setting DAGSTER_HOME in Powershell and batch for windows users. (thanks @slamer59!)


  • Changed the job explorer view in Dagit to show asset-based graphs when the experimental Asset API flag is turned on for any job that has at least one software-defined asset.


  • Updated API docs and integration guides to reference job/op/graph for various libraries (dagstermill, dagster-pandas, dagster-airflow, etc)
  • Improved documentation when attempting to retrieve output value from execute_in_process, when job does not have a top-level output.



  • [dagster-k8s] Fixed a bug that caused retries to occur twice with the k8s_job_executor



  • Updated dagstermill to better support job/op/graph changes by adding a define_dagstermill_op factory function. Also updated documentation and examples to reflect these changes.
  • Changed run history for jobs in Dagit to include legacy mode tags for runs that were created from pipelines that have since been converted to use jobs.
  • The new get_dagster_logger() method is now importable from the top level dagster module (from dagster import get_dagster_logger)
  • [dagster-dbt] All dagster-dbt resources (dbt_cli_resource, dbt_rpc_resource, and dbt_rpc_sync_resource) now support the dbt ls command:
  • Added ins and outs properties to OpDefinition.
  • Updated the run status favicon of the Run page in Dagit.
  • There is now a resources_config argument on build_solid_context. The config argument has been renamed to solid_config.
  • [helm] When deploying Redis using the Dagster helm chart, by default the new cluster will not require authentication to start a connection to it.
  • [dagster-k8s] The component name on Kubernetes jobs for run and step workers is now run_worker and step_worker, respectively.
  • Improved performance for rendering the Gantt chart on the Run page for runs with very long event logs.


  • Fixed a bug where decorating a job with a hook would create a pipeline.
  • Fixed a bug where providing default logger config to a job would break with a confusing error.
  • Fixed a bug with retrieving output results from a mapped input on execute_in_process
  • Fixed a bug where schedules referencing a job were not creating runs using that job’s default run config.
  • [dagster-k8s] Fixed a bug where the retry mode was not being passed along through the k8s executor.

Breaking Changes#

  • The first argument on Executor.execute(...) has changed from pipeline_context to plan_context

Community Contributions#

  • When using multiple Celery workers in the Dagster helm chart, each worker can now be individually configured. See the helm chart for more information. Thanks @acrulopez!
  • [dagster-k8s] Changed Kubernetes job containers to use the fixed name dagster, rather than repeating the job name. Thanks @skirino!


  • [dagster-docker] Added a new docker_executor which executes steps in separate Docker containers.

  • The dagster-daemon process can now detect hanging runs and restart crashed run workers. Currently only supported for jobs using the docker_executor and k8s_job_executor. Enable this feature in your dagster.yaml with:

      enabled: true

    Documentation coming soon. Reach out in the #dagster-support Slack channel if you are interested in using this feature.


  • Adding “Python Logging” back to the navigation pane.
  • Updated documentation for dagster-aws, dagster-github, and dagster-slack to reference job/op/graph APIs.