Fixed helm chart to only add flower to the K8s ingress when enabled (thanks @PenguinToast!)
Updated helm chart to use more lenient timeouts for liveness probes on user code deployments (thanks @PenguinToast!)
[Helm/K8s] Due to Flower being incompatible with Celery 5.0, the Helm chart for Dagster now uses a specific image mher/flower:0.9.5 for the Flower pod.
[Dagit] Show recent runs on individual schedule pages
[Dagit] It’s no longer required to run dagster schedule up or press the Reconcile button before turning on a new schedule for the first time
[Dagit] Various improvements to the asset view. Expanded the Last Materialization Event view. Expansions to the materializations over time view, allowing for both a list view and a graphical view of materialization data.
Community Contributions
Updated many dagster-aws tests to use mocked resources instead of depending on real cloud resources, making it possible to run these tests locally. (thanks @jmsanders!)
fixed an issue with retries in step launchers
[Dagit] bugfixes and improvements
Fixed an issue where dagit sometimes left hanging processes behind after exiting
[K8s] The dagster daemon is now optionally deployed by the helm chart. This enables run-level queuing with the QueuedRunCoordinator.
Improved error handling when the intermediate storage stores and retrieves objects.
New URL scheme in Dagit, with repository details included on all paths for pipelines, solids, and schedules
Relaxed constraints for the AssetKey constructor, to enable arbitrary strings as part of the key path.
When executing a subset of a pipeline, configuration that does not apply to the current subset but would be valid in the original pipeline is now allowed and ignored.
GCSComputeLogManager was added, allowing for compute logs to be persisted to Google cloud storage
The step-partition matrix in Dagit now auto-reloads runs
Dagit bugfixes and improvements
When specifying a namespace during helm install, the same namespace will now be used by the K8sScheduler or K8sRunLauncher, unless overridden.
@pipeline decorated functions with -> None typing no longer cause unexpected problems.
Fixed an issue where compute logs might not always be complete on Windows.