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  • [Dask] Pin dask[dataframe] to \<=2.30.0 and distributed to \<=2.30.1



  • When using a solid selection in the Dagit Playground, non-matching solids are hidden in the RunPreview panel.
  • The CLI command dagster pipeline launch now accepts --run-id


  • [Helm/K8s] Fixed whitespacing bug in ingress.yaml Helm template.


Community Contributions

  • Fixed helm chart to only add flower to the K8s ingress when enabled (thanks @PenguinToast!)
  • Updated helm chart to use more lenient timeouts for liveness probes on user code deployments (thanks @PenguinToast!)


  • [Helm/K8s] Due to Flower being incompatible with Celery 5.0, the Helm chart for Dagster now uses a specific image mher/flower:0.9.5 for the Flower pod.



  • [Dagit] Show recent runs on individual schedule pages
  • [Dagit] It’s no longer required to run dagster schedule up or press the Reconcile button before turning on a new schedule for the first time
  • [Dagit] Various improvements to the asset view. Expanded the Last Materialization Event view. Expansions to the materializations over time view, allowing for both a list view and a graphical view of materialization data.

Community Contributions

  • Updated many dagster-aws tests to use mocked resources instead of depending on real cloud resources, making it possible to run these tests locally. (thanks @jmsanders!)


  • fixed an issue with retries in step launchers
  • [Dagit] bugfixes and improvements
  • Fixed an issue where dagit sometimes left hanging processes behind after exiting


  • [K8s] The dagster daemon is now optionally deployed by the helm chart. This enables run-level queuing with the QueuedRunCoordinator.



  • Improved error handling when the intermediate storage stores and retrieves objects.
  • New URL scheme in Dagit, with repository details included on all paths for pipelines, solids, and schedules
  • Relaxed constraints for the AssetKey constructor, to enable arbitrary strings as part of the key path.
  • When executing a subset of a pipeline, configuration that does not apply to the current subset but would be valid in the original pipeline is now allowed and ignored.
  • GCSComputeLogManager was added, allowing for compute logs to be persisted to Google cloud storage
  • The step-partition matrix in Dagit now auto-reloads runs


  • Dagit bugfixes and improvements
  • When specifying a namespace during helm install, the same namespace will now be used by the K8sScheduler or K8sRunLauncher, unless overridden.
  • @pipeline decorated functions with -> None typing no longer cause unexpected problems.
  • Fixed an issue where compute logs might not always be complete on Windows.