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  • Fixed an issue in the dagstermill library that caused solid config fetch to be non-deterministic.
  • Fixed an issue in the K8sScheduler where multiple pipeline runs were kicked off for each scheduled execution.



  • Added ADLS2 storage plugin for Spark DataFrame (Thanks @sd2k!)
  • Added feature in the Dagit Playground to automatically remove extra configuration that does not conform to a pipeline’s config schema.
  • [Dagster-Celery/Celery-K8s/Celery-Docker] Added Celery worker names and pods to the logs for each step execution

Community contributions

  • Re-enabled dagster-azure integration tests in dagster-databricks tests (Thanks @sd2k!)
  • Moved dict_without_keys from dagster-pandas into dagster.utils (Thanks @DavidKatz-il)
  • Moved Dask DataFrame read/to options under read/to keys (Thanks @kinghuang)


  • Fixed helper for importing data from GCS paths into Bigquery (Thanks @grabangomb (!)
  • Postgres event storage now waits to open a thread to watch runs until it is needed


  • Added version computation function for DagsterTypeLoader. (Actual versioning will be supported in 0.10.0)
  • Added version attribute to solid and SolidDefinition. (Actual versioning will be supported in 0.10.0)



  • UI improvements to the backfill partition selector
  • Enabled sorting of steps by failure in the partition run matrix in Dagit


  • [dagstermill] fixes an issue with output notebooks and s3 storage
  • [dagster_celery] bug fixed in pythonpath calculation (thanks @enima2648!)
  • [dagster_pandas] marked create_structured_dataframe_type and ConstraintWithMetadata as experimental APIs
  • [dagster_k8s] reduced default job backoff limit to 0


  • Various docs site improvements


Breaking Changes

  • When using the configured API on a solid or composite solid, a new solid name must be provided.
  • The image used by the K8sScheduler to launch scheduled executions is now specified under the “scheduler” section of the Helm chart (previously under “pipeline_run” section).


  • Added an experimental mode that speeds up interactions in dagit by launching a gRPC server on startup for each repository location in your workspace. To enable it, add the following to your dagster.yaml:
  local_servers: true
  • Intermediate Storage and System Storage now default to the first provided storage definition when no configuration is provided. Previously, it would be necessary to provide a run config for storage whenever providing custom storage definitions, even if that storage required no run configuration. Now, if the first provided storage definition requires no run configuration, the system will default to using it.
  • Added a timezone picker to Dagit, and made all timestamps timezone-aware
  • Added solid_config to hook context which provides the access to the config schema variable of the corresponding solid.
  • Hooks can be directly set on PipelineDefinition or @pipeline, e.g. @pipeline(hook_defs={hook_a}). It will apply the hooks on every single solid instance within the pipeline.
  • Added Partitions tab for partitioned pipelines, with new backfill selector.


Breaking Changes

  • Removed deprecated --env flag from CLI
  • The --host CLI param has been renamed to --grpc_host to avoid conflict with the dagit --host param.


  • Descriptions for solid inputs and outputs will now be inferred from doc blocks if available (thanks @AndersonReyes !)
  • Various documentation improvements (thanks @jeriscc !)
  • Load inputs from pyspark dataframes (thanks @davidkatz-il !)
  • Added step-level run history for partitioned schedules on the schedule view
  • Added great_expectations integration, through the dagster_ge library. Example usage is under a new example, called ge_example, and documentation for the library can be found under the libraries section of the api docs.
  • PythonObjectDagsterType can now take a tuple of types as well as a single type, more closely mirroring isinstance and allowing Union types to be represented in Dagster.
  • The configured API can now be used on all definition types (including CompositeDefinition). Example usage has been updated in the configuration documentation.
  • Updated Helm chart to include auto-generated user code configmap in user code deployment by default


  • Databricks now checks intermediate storage instead of system storage
  • Fixes a bug where applying hooks on a pipeline with composite solids would flatten the top-level solids. Now applying hooks on pipelines or composite solids means attaching hooks to every single solid instance within the pipeline or the composite solid.
  • Fixes the GraphQL playground hosted by dagit
  • Fixes a bug where K8s CronJobs were stopped unnecessarily during schedule reconciliation


  • New dagster-k8s/config tag that lets users pass in custom configuration to the Kubernetes Job, Job metadata, JobSpec, PodSpec, and PodTemplateSpec metadata.
    • This allows users to specify settings like eviction policy annotations and node affinities.
    • Example:
        tags = {
          'dagster-k8s/config': {
            'container_config': {
              'resources': {
                'requests': { 'cpu': '250m', 'memory': '64Mi' },
                'limits': { 'cpu': '500m', 'memory': '2560Mi' },
            'pod_template_spec_metadata': {
              'annotations': { "": "true"}
            'pod_spec_config': {
              'affinity': {
                'nodeAffinity': {
                  'requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution': {
                    'nodeSelectorTerms': [{
                      'matchExpressions': [{
                        'key': '', 'operator': 'In', 'values': ['windows', 'linux'],
      def my_solid(context):'running')