Dagit now allows re-executing arbitrary step subset via step selector syntax, regardless of
whether the previous pipeline failed or not.
Added a search filter for the root Assets page
Adds tooltip explanations for disabled run actions
The last output of the cron job command created by the scheduler is now stored in a file. A new
dagster schedule logs {schedule_name} command will show the log file for a given schedule. This
helps uncover errors like missing environment variables and import errors.
The Dagit schedule page will now show inconsistency errors between schedule state and the cron
tab that were previously only displayed by the dagster schedule debug command. As before, these
errors can be resolve using dagster schedule up
Fixes an issue with config schema validation on Arrays
Fixes an issue with initializing K8sRunLauncher when configured via dagster.yaml
Fixes a race condition in Airflow injection logic that happens when multiple Operators try to
create PipelineRun entries simultaneously.
Fixed an issue with schedules that had invalid config not logging the appropriate error.
dagster pipeline backfill command no longer takes a mode flag. Instead, it uses the mode
specified on the PartitionSetDefinition. Similarly, the runs created from the backfill also use
the solid_subset specified on the PartitionSetDefinition
Fixes a bug where using solid subsets when launching pipeline runs would fail config validation.
(dagster-gcp) allow multiple "bq_solid_for_queries" solids to co-exist in a pipeline
Improve scheduler state reconciliation with dagster-cron scheduler. dagster schedule debug
command will display issues related to missing crob jobs, extraneous cron jobs, and duplicate cron
jobs. Running dagster schedule up will fix any issues.
The dagster-airflow package now supports loading Airflow dags without depending on initialized
Airflow db
Improvements to the longitudinal partitioned schedule view, including live updates, run filtering,
and better default states.
Added user warning for dagster library packages that are out of sync with the core dagster