Performance improvements when loading code locations using multi-assets with many asset keys.
AutomationCondition.in_progress() now will be true if an asset partition is part of an in-progress backfill that has not yet executed it. The prior behavior, which only considered runs, is encapsulated in AutomationCondition.execution_in_progress().
[ui] Added tag filter to the jobs page.
[ui] Preserve user login state for a longer period of time.
[dagster-dbt] Performance improvements when loading definitions using build_dbt_asset_selection.
[dagster-docker] container_kwargs.stop_timeout can now be set when using the DockerRunLauncher or docker_executor to configure the amount of time that Docker will wait when terminating a run for it to clean up before forcibly stopping it with a SIGKILL signal.
[dagster-sigma] The Sigma integration now fetches initial API responses in parallel, speeding up initial load.
[dagster-looker] Attempt to naively render liquid templates for derived table sql.
[dagster-looker] Added support for views and explores that rely on refinements or extends.
[dagster-looker] When fetching explores and dashboards from the Looker API, retrieve in parallel.
Fixed an issue with AutomationCondition.eager() that could cause it to attempt to launch a second attempt of an asset in cases where it was skipped or failed during a run where one of its parents successfully materialized.
Fixed an issue which would cause AutomationConditionSensorDefinitions to not be evaluated if the use_user_code_server value was toggled after the initial evaluation.
Fixed an issue where configuration values for aliased pydantic fields would be dropped.
[ui] Fix an issue in the code locations page where invalid query parameters could crash the page.
[ui] Fix navigation between deployments when query parameters are present in the URL.
[helm] the blockOpConcurrencyLimitedRuns section of queuedRunCoordinator now correctly templates the appropriate config.
[dagster-sigma] Fixed pulling incomplete data for very large workspaces.
The AutomationCondition.eager(), AutomationCondition.missing(), and AutomationCondition.on_cron conditions are now compatible with asset checks.
Added AssetSelection.materializable(), which returns only assets that are materializable in an existing selection.
Added a new AutomationCondition.all_deps_blocking_checks_passed condition, which can be used to prevent materialization when any upstream blocking checks have failed.
Added a code_version parameter to the @graph_asset decorator.
If a LaunchPartitionBackfill mutation is submitted to GQL with invalid partition keys, it will now return an early PartitionKeysNotFoundError.
AssetSelection.checks_for_assets now accepts AssetKeys and string asset keys, in addition to AssetsDefinitions.
[ui] Added a search bar to partitions tab on the asset details page.
[ui] Restored docked left nav behavior for wide viewports.
[dagster-aws] get_objects now has a since_last_modified that enables only fetching objects modified after a given timestamp.
[dagster-aws] New AWS EMR Dagster Pipes client (dagster_aws.pipes.PipesEMRCLient ) for running and monitoring AWS EMR jobs from Dagster.
Fixed an issue which could cause incorrect evaluation results when using self-dependent partition mappings with AutomationConditions that operate over dependencies.
[ui] Fixed an issue where the breadcumb on asset pages would flicker nonstop.
[dagster-embedded-elt] Fixed extraction of metadata for dlt assets whose source and destination identifiers differ.
[dagster-databricks] Fixed a permissioning gap that existed with the DatabricksPySparkStepLauncher, so that permissions are now set correctly for non-admin users.
[dagster-dbt] Fixed an issue where column metadata generated with fetch_column_metadata did not work properly for models imported through dbt dependencies.
[experimental] AutomationCondition.eager() will now only launch runs for missing partitions which become missing after the condition has been added to the asset. This avoids situations in which the eager policy kicks off a large amount of work when added to an asset with many missing historical static/dynamic partitions.
[experimental] Added a new AutomationCondition.asset_matches() condition, which can apply a condition against an arbitrary asset in the graph.
[experimental] Added the ability to specify multiple kinds for an asset with the kinds parameter.
[dagster-github] Added create_pull_request method on GithubClient that enables creating a pull request.
[dagster-github] Added create_ref method on GithubClient that enables creating a new branch.
[dagster-embedded-elt] dlt assets now generate column metadata for child tables.
[dagster-embedded-elt] dlt assets can now fetch row count metadata with for both partitioned and non-partitioned assets. Thanks @kristianandre!
[dagster-airbyte] relation identifier metadata is now attached to Airbyte assets.
[dagster-embedded-elt] relation identifier metadata is now attached to sling assets.
[dagster-embedded-elt] relation identifier metadata is now attached to dlt assets.
JobDefinition, @job, and define_asset_job now take a run_tags parameter. If run_tags are defined, they will be attached to all runs of the job, and tags will not be. If run_tags is not set, then tags are attached to all runs of the job (status quo behavior). This change enables the separation of definition-level and run-level tags on jobs.
Then env var DAGSTER_COMPUTE_LOG_TAIL_WAIT_AFTER_FINISH can now be used to pause before capturing logs (thanks @HynekBlaha!)
The kinds parameter is now available on AssetSpec.
OutputContext now exposes the AssetSpec of the asset that is being stored as an output (thanks, @marijncv!)
[experimental] Backfills are incorporated into the Runs page to improve observability and provide a more simplified UI. See the GitHub discussion for more details.
[ui] The updated navigation is now enabled for all users. You can revert to the legacy navigation via a feature flag. See GitHub discussion for more.
[ui] Improved performance for loading partition statuses of an asset job.
[dagster-docker] Run containers launched by the DockerRunLauncher now include dagster/job_name and dagster/run_id labels.
[dagster-aws] The ECS launcher now automatically retries transient ECS RunTask failures (like capacity placement failures).
Changed the log volume for global concurrency blocked runs in the run coordinator to be less spammy.
[ui] Asset checks are now visible in the run page header when launched from a schedule.
[ui] Fixed asset group outlines not rendering properly in Safari.
[ui] Reporting a materialization event now removes the asset from the asset health "Execution failures" list and returns the asset to a green / success state.
[ui] When setting an AutomationCondition on an asset, the label of this condition will now be shown in the sidebar on the Asset Details page.
[ui] Previously, filtering runs by Created date would include runs that had been updated after the lower bound of the requested time range. This has been updated so that only runs created after the lower bound will be included.
[ui] When using the new experimental navigation flag, added a fix for the automations page for code locations that have schedules but no sensors.
[ui] Fixed tag wrapping on asset column schema table.
[ui] Restored object counts on the code location list view.
[ui] Padding when displaying warnings on unsupported run coordinators has been corrected (thanks @hainenber!)
[dagster-k8s] Fixed an issue where run termination sometimes did not terminate all step processes when using the k8s_job_executor, if the termination was initiated while it was in the middle of launching a step pod.
AssetSpec now has a with_io_manager_key method that returns an AssetSpec with the appropriate metadata entry to dictate the key for the IO manager used to load it. The deprecation warning for SourceAsset now references this method.
Added a max_runtime_seconds configuration option to run monitoring, allowing you to specify that any run in your Dagster deployment should terminate if it exceeds a certain runtime. Prevoiusly, jobs had to be individually tagged with a dagster/max_runtime tag in order to take advantage of this feature. Jobs and runs can still be tagged in order to override this value for an individual run.
It is now possible to set both tags and a custom execution_fn on a ScheduleDefinition. Schedule tags are intended to annotate the definition and can be used to search and filter in the UI. They will not be attached to run requests emitted from the schedule if a custom execution_fn is provided. If no custom execution_fn is provided, then for back-compatibility the tags will also be automatically attached to run requests emitted from the schedule.
SensorDefinition and all of its variants/decorators now accept a tags parameter. The tags annotate the definition and can be used to search and filter in the UI.
Added the dagster definitions validate command to Dagster CLI. This command validates if Dagster definitions are loadable.
[dagster-databricks] Databricks Pipes now allow running tasks in existing clusters.
Fixed an issue where calling build_op_context in a unit test would sometimes raise a TypeError: signal handler must be signal.SIG_IGN, signal.SIG_DFL, or a callable object Exception on process shutdown.
[dagster-webserver] Fix an issue where the incorrect sensor/schedule state would appear when using DefaultScheduleStatus.STOPPED / DefaultSensorStatus.STOPPED after performing a reset.
Fixed an issue where users with Launcher permissions for a particular code location were not able to cancel backfills targeting only assets in that code location.
Fixed an issue preventing long-running alerts from being sent when there was a quick subsequent run.