Added --partition-range option to dagster asset materialize CLI. This option only works for assets with single-run Backfill Policies.
Added a new .without() method to AutomationCondition.eager(), AutomationCondition.on_cron(), and AutomationCondition.on_missing() which allows sub-conditions to be removed, e.g. AutomationCondition.eager().without(AutomationCondition.in_latest_time_window()).
Added AutomationCondition.on_missing(), which materializes an asset partition as soon as all of its parent partitions are filled in.
pyproject.toml can now load multiple Python modules as individual Code Locations. Thanks, @bdart!
[ui] If a code location has errors, a button will be shown to view the error on any page in the UI.
[dagster-adls2] The ADLS2PickleIOManager now accepts lease_duration configuration. Thanks, @0xfabioo!
[dagster-embedded-elt] Added an option to fetch row count metadata after running a Sling sync by calling sling.replicate(...).fetch_row_count().
[dagster-fivetran] The dagster-fivetran integration will now automatically pull and attach column schema metadata after each sync.
Fixed an issue which could cause errors when using AutomationCondition.any_downstream_condition() with downstream AutoMaterializePolicy objects.
Fixed an issue where process_config_and_initialize did not properly handle processing nested resource config.
[ui] Fixed an issue that would cause some AutomationCondition evaluations to be labeled DepConditionWrapperCondition instead of the key that they were evaluated against.
[dagster-webserver] Fixed an issue with code locations appearing in fluctuating incorrect state in deployments with multiple webserver processes.
[dagster-embedded-elt] Fixed an issue where Sling column lineage did not correctly resolve int the Dagster UI.
[dagster-k8s] The wait_for_pod check now waits until all pods are available, rather than erroneously returning after the first pod becomes available. Thanks @easontm!
The AssetSpec constructor now raises an error if an invalid group name is provided, instead of an error being raised when constructing the Definitions object.
dagster/relation_identifier metadata is now automatically attached to assets which are stored using a DbIOManager.
[ui] Streamlined the code location list view.
[ui] The “group by” selection on the Timeline Overview page is now part of the query parameters, meaning it will be retained when linked to directly or when navigating between pages.
[dagster-dbt] When instantiating DbtCliResource, the project_dir argument will now override the DBT_PROJECT_DIR environment variable if it exists in the local environment (thanks, @marijncv!).
[dagster-embedded-elt] dlt assets now generate rows_loaded metadata (thanks, @kristianandre!).
Fixed a bug where setting asset_selection=[] on RunRequest objects yielded from sensors using asset_selection would select all assets instead of none.
Fixed bug where the tick status filter for batch-fetched graphql sensors was not being respected.
[examples] Fixed missing assets in assets_dbt_python example.
[dagster-airbyte] Updated the op names generated for Airbyte assets to include the full connection ID, avoiding name collisions.
[dagster-dbt] Fixed issue causing dagster-dbt to be unable to load dbt projects where the adapter did not have a database field set (thanks, @dargmuesli!)
[dagster-dbt] Removed a warning about not being able to load the dbt.adapters.duckdb module when loading dbt assets without that package installed.
You may now wipe specific asset partitions directly from the execution context in user code by calling DagsterInstance.wipe_asset_partitions.
Dagster+ users with a "Viewer" role can now create private catalog views.
Fixed an issue where the default IOManager used by Dagster+ Serverless did not respect setting allow_missing_partitions as metadata on a downstream asset.
Fixed an issue where runs in Dagster+ Serverless that materialized partitioned assets would sometimes fail with an object has no attribute '_base_path' error.
[dagster-graphql] Fixed an issue where the statuses filter argument to the sensorsOrError GraphQL field was sometimes ignored when querying GraphQL for multiple sensors at the same time.
Updated multi-asset sensor definition to be less likely to timeout queries against the asset history storage.
Consolidated the CapturedLogManager and ComputeLogManager APIs into a single base class.
[ui] Added an option under user settings to clear client side indexeddb caches as an escape hatch for caching related bugs.
[dagster-aws, dagster-pipes] Added a new PipesECSClient to allow Dagster to interface with ECS tasks.
[dagster-dbt] Increased the default timeout when terminating a run that is running a dbt subprocess to wait 25 seconds for the subprocess to cleanly terminate. Previously, it would only wait 2 seconds.
[dagster-sdf] Increased the default timeout when terminating a run that is running an sdf subprocess to wait 25 seconds for the subprocess to cleanly terminate. Previously, it would only wait 2 seconds.
[dagster-sdf] Added support for caching and asset selection (Thanks, akbog!)
[dagster-dlt] Added support for AutomationCondition using DagsterDltTranslator.get_automation_condition() (Thanks, aksestok!)
[ui] Fixed a bug where in-progress runs from a backfill could not be terminated from the backfill UI.
[ui] Fixed a bug that caused an "Asset must be part of at least one job" error when clicking on an external asset in the asset graph UI
Fixed an issue where viewing run logs with the latest 5.0 release of the watchdog package raised an exception.
[ui] Fixed issue causing the “filter to group” action in the lineage graph to have no effect.
[ui] Fixed case sensitivity when searching for partitions in the launchpad.
[ui] Fixed a bug which would redirect to the events tab for an asset if you loaded the partitions tab directly.
[ui] Fixed issue causing runs to get skipped when paging through the runs list (Thanks, @HynekBlaha!)
[ui] Fixed a bug where the asset catalog list view for a particular group would show all assets.
[dagster-dbt] fix bug where empty newlines in raw dbt logs were not being handled correctly.
[dagster-k8s, dagster-celery-k8s] Correctly set dagster/image label when image is provided from user_defined_k8s_config. (Thanks, @HynekBlaha!)
[dagster-duckdb] Fixed an issue for DuckDB versions older than 1.0.0 where an unsupported configuration option, custom_user_agent, was provided by default
[dagster-k8s] Fixed an issue where Kubernetes Pipes failed to create a pod if the op name contained capital or non-alphanumeric containers.
[dagster-embedded-elt] Fixed an issue where dbt assets downstream of Sling were skipped
[dagser-aws]: Direct AWS API arguments in have been deprecated and will be removed in 1.9.0. The new params argument should be used instead.